Updated the README file with some contributor tips.
[basket4.git] / doc / en / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY kappname "&basket;">
4 <!ENTITY basket "<application>BasKet</application>">
5 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
6 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
7 ]>
8 <!-- Important note: please use template.docbook instead of this file.
9 This is only the conversion of app.sgml into DocBook SGML.
10 template.docbook gives you more information on what you can and
11 should do. Thanks. -->
13 <book lang="&language;">
15 <bookinfo>
16 <title>The BasKet Handbook</title>
17 <authorgroup>
18 <author>
19 <firstname>Sébastien</firstname>
20 <surname>Laoût</surname>
21 <affiliation><address><email>slaout@linux62.org</email></address></affiliation>
22 </author>
23 </authorgroup>
24 <date>01/18/2005</date>
25 <releaseinfo>1.0.2</releaseinfo>
26 <abstract>
27 <para>Taking care of your ideas.</para>
28 </abstract>
29 <keywordset>
30 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
31 <keyword>BasKet</keyword>
32 </keywordset>
33 </bookinfo>
35 <chapter id="introduction">
36 <title>Introduction</title>
37 <para>&basket; is mainly an all-purpose notes taker, but a particular one:</para>
38 </chapter>
40 <chapter id="installation">
41 <title>Installation</title>
43 <sect1 id="how-to-obtain-BasKet">
44 <title>How to obtain &basket;</title>
45 <para></para>
46 </sect1>
48 <sect1 id="requirements">
49 <title>Requirements</title>
50 <para></para>
51 </sect1>
53 <sect1 id="compilation-and-installation">
54 <title>Compilation and Installation</title>
56 <para>Compiling BasKet is very easy. The following should do it:
57 <screen>
58 <prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>./configure</command></userinput>
59 <prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make</command></userinput>
60 <prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make</command> install</userinput>
61 </screen>
62 </para>
64 <para>That should do it! Should you run into any problems,
65 please report them to the <ulink
66 url="mailto:slaout@linux62.org">author</ulink></para>
67 </sect1>
68 </chapter>
70 <chapter id="using-BasKet">
71 <title>Using BasKet</title>
72 <para></para>
73 </chapter>
75 <chapter id="questions-answers-and-tips">
76 <title>Questions, Answers, and Tips</title>
78 <qandaset id="faq">
79 <title>Frequently asked questions</title>
80 <qandaentry>
81 <question>
82 <para>Question 1</para>
83 </question>
84 <answer>
85 <para>The answer</para>
86 </answer>
87 </qandaentry>
88 </qandaset>
90 </chapter>
91 </book>
92 <!--
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