descriptionA simple holy Quran viewer for linux framebuffer
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last changeTue, 13 Jun 2017 23:21:06 +0000 (14 03:51 +0430)
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Cnoor is a linux framebuffer holy Quran viewer.

Before compiling cnoor, modify the paths (paths to the Quran file and
its translation if available) and fonts specified in config.h.  Cnoor
takes a single argument specifying the sura number.  It uses a vi-like
key-binding for scrolling and placing marks.
2017-06-13 Ali Gholami... quran: fix juz number 17master
2015-01-26 Ali Gholami... README: update the compilation instructions
2015-01-25 Ali Gholami... txtwin: mark previous position with '
2015-01-25 Ali Gholami... txtwin: remove txtwin_gtk_init()
2015-01-25 Ali Gholami... quran: zero the memory returned by malloc()
2013-01-23 Ali Gholami... txtwin: use 0 instead of STDIN_FILENO
2013-01-23 Ali Gholami... cnoor: newer pango versions use r2l rendering for arabi...
2012-08-11 Ali Gholami... config.h: change the default fonts
2012-08-11 Ali Gholami... cnoor: show arabic numbers
2012-08-11 Ali Gholami... Makefile: recompile if config.h is modified
2012-08-11 Ali Gholami... cnoor: switch to the modified BSD license
2011-11-25 Ali Gholami... change G command to move to the specified aya
2011-11-24 Ali Gholami... README: remove the gtk bits
2011-11-24 Ali Gholami... remove util.[hc]
2011-11-24 Ali Gholami... simplify font handling
2011-09-22 Ali Gholami... draw: update from fbpad
6 years ago master
11 years ago index
14 years ago gtk
14 years ago mark