Initial commit. Please see the README
[golden_search.git] /
1 from itertools import product, chain
2 import resource
4 from exc import IncompatibleUnits, MemExceeded
6 def search(base_numbers, ops, cc, max_round=None, mem_limit=2*1024**2):
7 # Round 0
8 bf = [base_numbers]
9 # check if measurements do not mean anything directly
10 for m in base_numbers:
11 cc.checkCandidate(m, verbose=True)
13 elem_count = 0
14 final_round = max_round == 0
15 round_count = 1
16 try:
17 while not final_round:
18 final_round = max_round == round_count
20 print
21 print "ROUND %d started"%(round_count,)
22 print
23 ro = []
24 try:
25 for op in ops.get(round_count, ops.get('default', None)):
26 ar = op.getArity()
27 if ar >= 3:
28 raise NotImplementedError
30 last = bf[-1]
31 sofar = list(chain(*bf))
33 pr = [last] + [sofar]*(ar-1)
34 i1 = product(*pr)
35 i2 = ()
37 if not op.isCommutative() and ar == 2:
38 i2 = product(chain(*(bf[:-1])), last)
40 for t in chain(i1, i2):
41 if elem_count % 10000 == 0 and not final_round:
42 mem_used = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
43 if mem_used > mem_limit:
44 print
45 print "MEM EXCEEDED"
46 print "Limit %.1f MB, Used %.1f MB"%(mem_limit / 1024.0, mem_used / 1024.0)
48 raise MemExceeded
49 elem_count += 1
51 try:
52 res = op(t)
53 # we do not need to add if we are in the final round
54 # we save a lot of memory this way (and may even be able to compute one more round therefore
55 if not final_round:
56 ro.append(res)
57 # register the result to see improving matches incrementaly
58 cc.checkCandidate(res, verbose=True)
59 except IncompatibleUnits:
60 pass
61 except ZeroDivisionError:
62 pass
64 except MemExceeded:
65 # set the limit so that we end in the next iteration
66 max_round = round_count + 1
68 bf.append(ro)
69 print
70 print "ROUND %d ended, searched %d combinations in total"%(round_count, elem_count)
71 print
73 round_count += 1
74 except KeyboardInterrupt:
75 pass
77 print
78 print
79 print "END"
80 print
81 print "Best matches:"
82 print
83 # show what we have found
84 cc.printBestMatches()