Just some eyecandy to check xmpp git announcer :3
[hategod.git] / hategod.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3 import Data.Array.IArray
4 import Data.Maybe
5 import Data.List
6 import Data.Char
8 import Control.Monad.State
10 --import Database.HDBC
11 --import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL
12 import Database.HaskellDB.HDBC.PostgreSQL
13 import Database.HaskellDB hiding ((!))
15 import System.Posix.Process
16 import System.Posix.Files
17 import System.IO
18 import System.Directory
19 import Control.Concurrent
21 import Data.Digest.SHA512
23 data Color = Black | White deriving Eq
24 type Board = Array (Int, Int) (Maybe Color)
25 type Form = [(Int, Int)]
26 data Move = Move Int Int Color | Pass deriving Eq
27 type Game = [Move]
29 data Status = Connected | LoggedOn | Playing | Counting deriving (Eq, Ord)
31 data ServerState = ServerState {
32 username :: Maybe String,
33 status :: Status
34 -- salt
37 newtype Server a = S {
38 runS :: StateT ServerState IO a
39 } deriving (Monad, MonadState ServerState, MonadIO)
41 evalServer :: Server a -> IO a
42 evalServer x = evalStateT (runS x) $ ServerState Nothing Connected
45 protocolVersion = "0"
48 say :: String -> Server ()
49 say = liftIO . hPutStrLn stderr
52 readMove :: Color -> String -> Maybe Move
53 readMove c a = case words a of
54 [x, y] -> Just $ Move (read x) (read y) c
55 ["pass"] -> Just Pass
56 _ -> Nothing
58 instance Show Color where
59 show Black = "B"
60 show White = "W"
62 readColor 'B' = Black
63 readColor 'W' = White
65 other Black = White
66 other White = Black
68 {-
69 - unlines $ (zipWith (\x y -> "f " ++ show x ++ " = Just '" ++ [y] ++ "'") [0..18] "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRST") ++ ["f _ = Nothing"]
71 showX :: Int -> String
72 showX x =
74 instance Show Move where
75 show (Move x y c) = unwords [show c, show x, show y]
76 show Pass = "pass"
79 main = do
80 stdin <- getContents
82 dbconn <- postgresqlConnect [
83 ("host", "localhost"),
84 ("dbname", "hategod"),
85 ("sslmode", "disable")] return
87 pid <- getProcessID
88 hPutStrLn stderr "hello"
89 evalServer $ server $ stdin
90 return ()
91 -- TODO clean db
92 --commit dbconn
93 --disconnect dbconn
95 server :: String -> Server ()
96 server x = do
97 mapM_ interpreter $ lines x
98 liftIO . maybe (return ()) (removeFile . ("hategod-player." ++)) . username =<< get
100 interpreter :: String -> Server ()
101 interpreter x = do
102 s <- get
103 case words x of
104 ("username":username:[]) -> if not (isGoodUsername username) then
105 say "error: bad username" else do
106 -- TODO auth
107 put $ s { username = Just username, status = LoggedOn }
108 say $ "user " ++ username
109 say "logged on"
110 ("version":[]) -> say protocolVersion
111 ("who":[]) -> liftIO who
112 ("play":username:x:y:[]) -> if status s /= LoggedOn then
113 say "error: wrong status" else if not $ isGoodUsername username then
114 say "error: bad username" else do
115 put $ s { status = Playing }
116 say "playing"
117 game username (emptyBoard (read x) (read y))
118 ("listen":[]) -> if status s /= LoggedOn then
119 say "error: wrong status" else do
120 let fn = "hategod-player." ++ (fromJust $ username s)
121 return $ createNamedPipe fn socketMode -- that sucks?
122 rival <- liftIO $ openFile fn ReadWriteMode
123 return ()
124 _ -> say "error: parse failed"
126 isGoodUsername = and . map isAlphaNum
128 who :: IO ()
129 who = sequence_ . map (hPutStrLn stderr) . catMaybes . map (stripPrefix "hategod-player.") =<< getDirectoryContents =<< getCurrentDirectory
131 game :: String -> Board -> Server ()
132 game user b = do
133 -- connect
134 rival <- liftIO $ openFile ("hategod-player." ++ user) ReadWriteMode
135 g <- play rival
136 -- countScore g
137 -- pushToDB
138 return ()
140 play :: Handle -> Server Game
141 play rival = return []
145 pushToDB :: Game -> Server ()
146 pushToDB = return () -- TODO
149 myMove :: Color -> Server Move
150 myMove c = liftIO $ (return . fromJust . readMove c) =<< getLine
152 -- theirs move is always a good one
153 theirsMove :: Handle -> Server Move
154 theirsMove rival = do
155 c <- liftIO $ (return . readColor) =<< hGetChar rival
156 liftIO $ (return . fromJust . readMove c) =<< getLine
158 gameToBoard :: Game -> Board -> Maybe Board
159 gameToBoard g b = foldM doMove b g
161 doMove :: Board -> Move -> Maybe Board
162 doMove b Pass = Just b
163 doMove b m@(Move x y c) | isGood b m = Just $ flip doKill c $ doMove_ b m
164 | otherwise = Nothing
166 doMove_ :: Board -> Move -> Board
167 doMove_ b (Move x y c) = b // [((x, y), Just c)]
169 isGood :: Board -> Move -> Bool
170 isGood b m = and $ (\a b c -> zipWith uncurry a (repeat (b, c))) goodSigns b m
171 -- TODO
173 goodSigns :: [Board -> Move -> Bool]
174 goodSigns = [(\z (Move x y _) -> not $ isOccupied z (x, y)),
175 curry $ not . uncurry isSuicide]
177 isOccupied :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
178 isOccupied b i = maybe False (const True) $ b ! i
180 isSuicide b m@(Move x y c) = if isKilling b m then False else countDameF b (fromJust $ findForm (doMove_ b m) (x, y)) == 0
183 isKilling b m@(Move x y c) = b /= (flip doKill (other c) $ doMove_ b m)
185 doKill :: Board -> Color -> Board
186 doKill board color = remove board $ concat $ filter (\f -> countDameF board f == 0) $ nub $ mapMaybe (\i -> findForm board i) $ indices board
188 countDameF :: Board -> Form -> Int -- STUPID!
189 countDameF b f = sum $ map (countDame b) f
191 countDame :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Int
192 countDame b i = sum $ map (b2i . not . isOccupied b) $ findNeighbours b i
194 remove :: Board -> Form -> Board
195 remove b f = b // (map (\i -> (i, Nothing))) f
197 b2i True = 1
198 b2i False = 0
200 findForm :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe Form
201 findForm b i = liftM (findForm_ b [i]) (b ! i)
203 findForm_ :: Board -> Form -> Color -> Form
204 findForm_ b i c = let f = nub $ sort $ concatMap (flip (friendlyNeighbours b) c) i in
205 if i == f then f else findForm_ b f c
207 friendlyNeighbours :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Color -> [(Int, Int)]
208 friendlyNeighbours b i c = map fst $ filter (\x -> Just c == snd x) $ map (\i -> (i, b ! i)) $ findNeighbours b i
210 findNeighbours :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
211 findNeighbours b (x, y) = filter (inRange $ bounds b) [(x + 1, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x - 1, y - 1)]
213 emptyBoard :: Int -> Int -> Board
214 emptyBoard x y = array ((1, 1), (x, y)) [((a, b), Nothing) | a <- [1..x], b <- [1..y]]